This past year has had (like most years) it’s ups and it’s down. I feel like a patterned has emerged in the past three years where I have moments of breathtaking, gorgeous highs and then devastating all-encompassing lows. And in this roller coaster called life, I’ve learned some things along the way. Blogging (and social media in general) has been an outlet for me to express the triumphs and pitfalls.
I turn twenty-five this week and I wanted to create a quick post about some of the lessons I’ve learned this year. Most of the points don’t really have a story, but most have been lessons learned; as in, “how in the world did you forget this.”

I feel so blessed to have completed 24 rotations around the sun. As I start my 25th, here are some things I want to remember:
- Find a mentor. Even a digital mentor.
- Always appreciate other people’s art because it was probably hard for them to create and even harder for them to share.
- Dancing is the best way to let go and let loose.
- No one will ever fault you for being the hype man or the motivation queen. So pump yourself up and pump up others!
- You are allowed to change whenever you want. However many times you want. You don’t need permission, just change.
- Sleep doesn’t fix everything but it can fix most things.
- Eat regularly or you will be grumpy.
- Focusing on yourself isn’t selfish.
- Always take more pictures.
- Take more videos while you’re at it.
- Reading and liking “fluffy” or “trashy” or “silly” novels is awesome and others should not judge you for it.
- Life’s not a competition. Support one another.
- Living by example is the best way to persuade people to live the same.
- Go to more concerts and theater shows, you never regret it.
- Drink more water.
- Listen.
- Try to consume less and produce more.
- Everyone is busy but time is the most valuable gift we have.
- Sometimes it’s okay to make a little progress or even none at all. You shouldn’t be measured by how productive you are.
- Try something new.
- Prepare for the best, expect the worst.
- Aim to be better, not bitter.
- Putting yourself out there is easier said than done.
- Create more art. Always create more art.
As always, thank you, dear reader, for being here. None of this would be possible without your support.
Happy Day-

Haha, I like point 11. Everyone around me seems to be reading books that are about politicians or really grown up and smart and clever things. I just like reading love stories and Harry Potter! 😉
Those are the best kind of stories! Haha just those two: romance or Harry Potter 😉